Host agency application tutorial

Host application tutorial

Navigating the world of live broadcasting can be a daunting task, but securing a spot with a reputable host agency can be a game-changer for aspiring anchors. As an anchor on the PKLive platform, the application process to a host agency can be a crucial step in elevating your career.

When applying to a host agency, it’s important to highlight your unique strengths and the value you can bring to the agency’s roster. This may include showcasing your proven track record of engaging with your audience, your ability to consistently produce high-quality content, and your deep understanding of the PKLive platform and its community.

During the application process, be prepared to provide detailed information about your current audience metrics, your content strategy, and your future growth plans. Host agencies are looking for anchors who not only have a strong foundation but also possess the ambition and drive to take their careers to new heights.

Establish a clear and compelling narrative about your journey as a PKLive anchor, emphasizing your successes, your learnings, and your aspirations. This will demonstrate to the host agency that you are a strategic and intentional content creator, poised to thrive under their guidance and support.

Remember, the selection process can be competitive, so it’s crucial to set yourself apart by showcasing your authenticity, your creativity, and your commitment to the craft of live broadcasting. With a well-crafted application and a proactive approach, you can increase your chances of securing a coveted spot with a host agency that can amplify your voice and accelerate your growth on the PKLive platform.

bind your phone

Step 1
Go to "Me"

After entering the PKLIVE platform, click the "Me" portrait in the lower right corner.

Step 2

Click on the unverified "Host Certification".

Step 3

A "Reminder" window will pop up.
The content is: Your mobile phone verification has not been completed. Do you want to get certified?
Next, please click the "Confirm" button on the right to continue to the next step.

Step 4

Click the "Binding phone" button in the middle of the "Account and Security Center" screen. 

Step 5
Phone Authentication

Please fill in all information on the "Phone Verification" page.
1. Enter the correct mobile phone number in the first column and click the "Send" button to send the verification code.

2. After receiving the exclusive verification code, please fill in the "Verification" column.

3. Enter the Referrer ID in “Referrer” (optional).

4. Enter the correct Password.

5. Confirm that all information is correct and click the "Certification" button.

Step 6
Account & Security Center Success

Congratulations, after the above steps, the mobile phone authentication part is completed.
But don’t forget, there are some next steps that need to be completed.

There are two streaming methods to choose from

choose one to click
  1. Click Start My Live Streaming.
  2. You may choose to do live streaming or voice streaming.
  3. Choose a mode you prefer for starting.

live streaming guide

live screen

voice chat guide

voice room

When members join, you have two options to invite them to join the conversation.

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